I just realized that on my personal device, I have only Chrome. I mean, not installed only Chrome, but sometimes I cannot even install anything else. I have an Android and two Chromebooks. That’s it.
When I created an app for salsa dancers, salsa-calendar.com, one friend sent me a screenshot with weird behavior in a desktop version of Safari. I found some CSS feature is not yet available broadly, so I blindly fixed the problem.
Another example: our app had issue with Chrome on Android, so we fixed that. But no one notifies us, we noticed this problem because we were checking HaaS statistics on our phone.
So… I use for everything, only Chrome, and because of that, my apps always perfectly works with Chrome even if there is some strange issue. I don’t know how it works (or not) in other browsers. (On my workstation, I already checked my apps in different browsers. At least those available on Linux.)
And… I’m not the only one. It’s not unusual my colleague mentions his browser (Firefox) crashed, and mine did not. It looks like many developers now test web apps only on Chrome.
Chrome is cool. It’s still fast, minimalistic, and clear. It has the latest features. Everything is good.
The problem is, when there is some feature in draft and Chrome implements it, it then shapes the future of that feature. Everyone then optimizes it to the way how Chrome implements it.
Not sure if it’s wrong or not. But definitely, it sounds like a problem with optimizations for IE6 years ago…