Stories and Perspectives

en in humanity • 3 min read

I shared my general views on how the stories running our society are fake and flawed. Before I dig deeper into any specific story (such as monotheism, climate change, pandemic, artificial intelligence, and so on) in detail, I need to make things clear:

I’m not an expert on any of these topic. My expertise is in computer programming (mostly in Python and Go, if you are curious). I just think about all kinds of issues, and I don’t take anything for granted. I believe this is crucial for critical thinking, which is necessary to have in order to not fall into trap of fake stories.

I would describe my posts more as philosophical reflections. I question stereotypes, and I usually pick the other side than the mainstream. Even if I am on the side of an argument with the majority, I switch to the other side so the other side’s opinion is not missed out.

I believe that we need experts and we should listen to them. Everyone should specialize in what they like to do and do it with passion in the best way possible, so the rest can count on them and focus on something else. But I need to be sure those experts are doing the best for me. For me, that means they are not blinded by bias, and they do think critically. That’s the other reason I write these posts: I want to spread critical thinking in our society.

Because I like to explore unpopular ideas, as mentioned above, there is a bigger chance you may think I’m wrong. You may even not listen to my argument at all, skip to the conclusion, and be done with it. Of course, you are free to do what you like, but I would recommend not to do that because you may discover later that you were wrong or actually neither of us was wrong.

Let me explain: everyone has a bias based on education and experience. I was impressed with computers when I was young, and that set my path to computer science, which influenced which sources got to me. That shapes my bias. I unquestionably see the world differently than someone who has never seen a computer. My understanding of history and problems humanity faces, which I share in this category, is affected by my background.

You have different education and life experience, and thus you can see issues from a different perspective. And that is very important: it doesn’t mean one of us has to be wrong. We both can be right. We might be saying the same thing but uniquely from a different perspective. Once you disagree, it’s essential you stop and carefully listen until you understand.

We are just humans. Our brain works in a way it works, and it can trick us into such situations. There is no reason to be mad at anyone for being wrong, and there should be no reason to be arrogant just because you think you know better.

So again: If you disagree, stop and listen until you fully understand the problem. You may discover it’s just a different perspective, and you, in fact, agree. If you find yourself being wrong, graciously admit it. I will do the same: if you spot any issue and understand my perspective, please let me know.

Anyone can be wrong. Everyone can be right. And that’s perfectly fine.

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